What Electrical Work Can A Handyman Do?

Firstly, let’s differentiate between a handyman who is a qualified electrician and a handyman who isn’t a qualified electrician. There’s an obvious difference to the type of electrical work each one will be able to carry out. At the end of the day, electricity is dangerous, and tradespeople should never put themselves or others at risk, either at the time the work is carried out or afterwards. 

DIYers should only carry out minor electrical fixes as should handymen or handywomen who aren’t qualified to conduct work that only a registered electrician can. When new electrical work is being conducted, here in England Part P of the Building Regulation, which covers electrical safety in dwelling, must be complied with. 

Carrying Out Notifiable (To A Building Control Body) Electricity Work 

If a non-qualified handyman needs to carry out notifiable electricity work then the work will need to be inspected for safety following a Building Regulations application. You‘re better off getting an electrician for notifiable (certificated) electricity work since they can self-certify the work with no need for a Building Regulations application and subsequent inspection. Example of this kind of work include replacement of a consumer unit (fusebox). 

What Are DIYers And Non-qualified Handymen Permitted To Carry Out? 

Anything that includes replacement, minor repairs and like for like changes such as adding extra (or moving) switches, lights and plug sockets. Changing old or damaged electrical wires. Any places that are subject to water such as outside areas, bathroom and kitchen will need to be worked on by a qualified electrician. 

Any kind of work that is carried out will still need to meet regulated standards so any handyman or DIYer who is thinking of carrying out this type of work will need to understand the dangers and work to regulated standards. They’ll essentially really need to know what they’re doing. 

Can A Handyman Replace Or Add Addition Switches, Lights and Plugs Sockets? 

As mentioned above, anyone who is competent to carry out this work can replace outlets or plug sockets, since you don’t have to be a qualified electrician to do this type of electrical work. But make sure you aren’t tired before starting this work and always work to regulated standards as these standards will need to be met for work of this type. To reiterate anyone who is competent to carry out this work to regulated standards, is ok to carry out this work. If you’re a DIYer considering carrying out this work and you’re at all unsure about what you are doing, then don’t even attempt it and hire a professional to do this work for you. Remember handymen who aren’t qualified electricians can do basic electrical work but can’t do work that requires certification. It’s highly recommended that if you require certificated work to be carried out that you hire a qualified electrician or a handyman who is also a qualified electrician. 


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